
Puppets designed and built by Wild Theatre, commissioned by various theatre companies. Copyright remains with Wild Theatre and/or the theatre company.

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Theater der Jungen Welt, Leipzig 

Theater des Kindes, Linz, Da Wächst Was 

 Œdipe 2019: Salzburger Festspiele 

“Fresco”  Herbsttage Blindenmarkt Boccaccio 2016

Threesixty Productions, directed by Ben Harrison - 'Peter Pan’

Capital E National Theatre for Children: 'Hinepau' ; 'REM Zone’

Musikwerkstatt Wien: ˜Don Chisciotte”

The Conch, Nina Nawalowalo “Masi"

Ake Ake Theatre Company: ˜My Secret Garden”; ˜The Operation of the Sun”

Märchenbuhne Apfelbaum - ˜Frosch König”

loonesco: street theatre

©Rebekah Wild 2015